Terms & Conditions
The following definitions will apply to these terms and conditions:
- “WPC” shall mean the Woodland Play Centre Ltd whose registered address is Woodland Play Centre Ltd. Puddies Meadow. Crowcombe. Taunton. Somerset.TA4 4AE;
- Staff / Volunteers / Leader / Instructor shall mean: Persons that hold relevant qualifications, are experienced and have current DBS certificates. Further details of qualifications and additional information can be provided upon written request;
- Client / Person; shall mean the children, young people or adults attending the event whose name appears on the booking form;
- “Organisers” shall mean the parent, parents, guardian, responsible person or other person otherwise in loco parentis of those attending the event;
- “Day” shall mean one business day
Making a booking
Book an event via the website booking system Booking Hound.
Before making a one-off booking please confirm the choice of your activity / event and its availability with Woodland Play Centre.
By booking onto an activity or event you are agreeing to our Terms and Conditions. If you cannot find an option that suits you please just contact us via the Contact us page to discuss options.
A booking will be secured once booked via the website links or a non-refundable deposit or full payment is received.
Deposits are non-refundable.
Your booking will then be confirmed by email and further details supplied that are relevant to your activity.
Booking Hound (the booking system we use) charge a booking fee which will be added at checkout.
BACS or cheques are accepted if made a minimum of seven working days prior to activity date. Cheques should be made payable to Woodland Play Centre Ltd.
Online payments need to be made at least one week before booked activity session.
Prices are correct at the time of printing in brochures, adverts and website. WPC reserves the right to alter these prices without notification.
Variations to the payment of any other terms may only be made between WPC and you by agreement in writing signed by both parties.
Group numbers
Activities are priced on a minimum number of participants. If the minimum number is not reached WPC reserves the right to cancel the activity. In such circumstances WPC will offer the Person / Organiser either a full refund on their deposit or an alternative date for the activity.
WPC has a combined public and employers liability certificate of insurance covered through Beech Tree Consultancy.
- We advise that Organisers check their own insurance with regard to personal liabilities and make their own arrangements.
- Details of the insurance cover and certificate can be viewed on request.
WPC does not provide transport to any venue or activity unless planned as part of the event & specified at the time of the booking. Organisers and clients must make their own travel arrangements.
- If a person is travelling with another parent or guardian other than the Organiser who placed the booking the Leader must be informed by the participants’ parent.
- In the case of an emergency and participants need to be transported, the WPC have business use cover on its vehicles.
Activities are dependant upon weather conditions, when working in woodlands and in an outdoor environment. WPC reserves the right to cancel or postpone activities at short notice in the event of unfavourable weather conditions. These shall include, but not be limited to; high winds, gales, snow, heavy rain as forecast by the meteorological office and issued from time to time. Organisers and clients will be contacted as soon as practicable possible by WPC to inform them of such changes or cancellations. In the event of the activity being cancelled by WPC, a full refund will be made. But where possible a change of date or activity will be arranged.
Cancellation by the organiser
Cancellation within seven days of the booked activity will result no refund being issued. However, cancellation prior to this seven day period will result in a partial refund with WPC retaining £50 as a booking cancellation fee and the online booking system fee.
All rights reserved - no images, text, content or part of this website may be reproduced, transmitted in any form or by any means without prior permission in writing from Woodland Play Centre Ltd.
Disclaimer: Woodland Play Centre Ltd cannot accept any legal responsibility or liability from participating in the activities described or shown on this website.
Registered Company No. 5365844
Copyright © 2020 Woodland Play Centre
Photography by Christina Dithmar and Fiona Crawford
Information accuracy
All brochures, website and social media information are to the knowledge of WPC accurate and correct at the time of publication and print. However, services and facilities maybe subject to alteration. If there is a change of activity that will affect the Person course, WPC will inform the Organiser as soon as practicably possible.
Organiser / client responsibilities
- It is the organiser/clients responsibility to notify WPC at the time of booking of any dietary, medical condition, allergy or disability that may affect his or her involvement, so that necessary arrangements can be made where possible to accommodate the condition.
- Whilst WPC will use best endeavours to accommodate the individual requirements of clients with conditions notified to WPC, owing to the nature of the activities WPC cannot guarantee that these requirements will be met.
- On booking the activity the organiser/client recognises and agrees that adventurous activities by their very nature carry a level of risk. Participants in these activities should be aware of and accept these risks and be responsible for their own actions and involvement. Failure to exercise due care could result in your injury or death. It is the Clients responsibility to abide by the instructions given to you by your leader / instructor.
- Where under 18’s are concerned the Organiser acting in ‘loco-parentis’ are responsible for the participants welfare and discipline. At least one responsible adult must be present at the start and end of any activity session and available during the session should they be required.
- WPC accepts no responsibility to Clients personal equipment and belongings. It is the responsibility of the individual client to look after their own equipment and personal possessions brought with them to the activity.
- On booking with WPC the organiser / client accepts that no claims including legal cost can be made as a result of your own or other participating client actions resulting in loss or damage to personal equipment or belongings.
- It is expected that the environment we use for our activities is left clean and tidy, encouraging care, consideration and respect for the natural habitat.
WPC’s responsibilities
- Guide and lead clients in the environment and skills needed to achieve the most of the time and experience whilst at all times looking out for the safety of all involved in the activity.
- WPC shall provide the relevant number of Leader / Instructors to lead activities.
- All staff will be fully aware and follow all WPC protocols and procedures
- WPC reserve the right to terminate participation of any client in any activity should that individual/individuals be causing damage or offence that could put themselves/other clients/the environment at risk.
- It is expected that the environment we work / play in is left clean and tidy, encouraging care, consideration and respect for the natural habitat. WPC reserve the right to charge for any damage caused.
- Persons & accompanying adults must be prepared for the weather conditions by wearing warm old clothes, trainers, waterproofs, sun hat as – there is no such thing as bad weather, just bad clothing!
- WPC does not allow organisers / clients to bring their own dogs to any events, projects or onsite, unless prior agreement is sought from Louise Kennedy.
- During WPC projects photographs are taken of the various activities involving the children, young people and clients. These photos are taken by event leaders or a professional photographer. The photographs are used for only WPC promotional marketing, publishing future events or evidence to support possible funding applications. They will not be passed onto third parties. Please make it known to the event organisier at the time of booking if you do not want photographs to be taken.
WPC will endeavour to resolve any complaints at the time and promptly. However, if the matter cannot be resolved please write to the director Louise Kennedy, within 14 days of the activity.
Governing Law
This contract shall be governed by English law and shall be subject to the non exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts.